** Disclosure-All opinions in this post are my own and I have not been paid or offered anything (products or services) for this post.
I don’t know about you but I love a good yoga session! I try to do yoga at home when I can (check out my DIY Yoga Cards) but boy does life get in the way! So recently I convinced a friend who was a total newbie to join me for a morning all levels hot yoga class at our local studio, Get Bent in Norwich. She did great by the way!
Let me tell you our sweat game was on point by the time we left. SOAKED! I honestly can’t tell you how awesome I felt after. My body was definitely thanking me for sure!
I love to support local small businesses as I once owned my own salon and my father and my husband own their own plumbing and heating company (McGuire Plumbing and Heating LLC…..I know shameless plug!!). A new coffee shop in Norwich, CT caught my eye on facebook and after yoga it was calling my name! My husband had mentioned before I left that I should check it out after class.
I have to tell you, I am so glad I did. At first I was horrified that I was walking into a public place covered in sweat after a hot yoga session but the owner quickly made me feel comfortable with his gracious welcome!
Craftsman Cliff Roasters is a must try! The atmosphere is farmhouse meets nautical which I absolutely loved. And the brick……I know, I know I can’t tell you enough how much I LOVE BRICK!
It’s small and cozy but I think it’s the perfect size for your local coffee shop. The owner was extremely welcoming even though we were total sweat bags! The conversation flowed easy and if I didn’t have other plans that day I would have made myself comfortable and stayed for a bit longer to enjoy my coffee. After chatting with a few people who were enjoying their freshly made beverages I took my small macchiato to my car and made my way home.
In today’s busy world I think we all long for the loving connection of people. Sometimes just a simple hello or have a great day means more than we know. A conversation with a complete stranger that we know nothing about and hold no bias towards can really make you realize how we are all just trying to make it through this crazy, wonderful, beautiful life.
Say hello to a stranger today…….have a conversation with a random person. Take time to smell the coffee beans and be sure to visit Craftsman Cliff Roasters if you are local!