When your kids want to help you in the kitchen, you get right on it! Both of my boys asked if they could bake something with me and there was no way I could say no. For whatever reason I was craving strawberry shortcake with homemade biscuits.
Summer is the perfect time to enjoy strawberry shortcake with homemade biscuits and I couldn’t let time fly by and not make any!
So, we set out to work and whipped up some great homemade biscuits. The word “homemade” can make people nervous but don’t be scared it really wasn’t hard at all! Honestly, it took maybe 30 minutes to make them and bake them. It was really quick and I know the summer can get busy so if you want to whip up something homemade, these biscuits are just the thing.

Don’t worry about the batter being lumpy and sticky, it should be that way. I used an ice cream scooper and got 9 biscuits out of the recipe. Keep an eye on the bottoms for whatever reason they cook quick so I cooked them on the top rack. No one likes it when the bottom of their biscuits are burned.

If you are looking for a great outdoor summer dinner menu? Try my Whiskey Peach Smoked Turkey and serve these tasty homemade biscuits for dessert! I know we enjoyed our strawberry shortcake with homemade biscuits sitting outside at our farm table and we hope you will enjoy them too!
If you are making homemade whipped cream and plan on adding vanilla I suggest you keep a special bottle of good vanilla for whipped cream! At The Spruce Eats they have a list of the 7 Best Vanilla Extracts of 2019! Take a look and keep one on hand, you won’t be sorry!
Be sure to follow Voluntown Housewife on Instagram and Facebook! You don’t want to miss out on all the fun! Share your strawberry shortcake with us and use the hashtag #vthw!