As a family we love to be outside and hiking is one of the ways we love to enjoy the world around us. On a random Sunday drive we came across Tillinghast Pond Management Area and it looked very inviting, so we put it on …
Author: Road and Table
Ramen Noodles and Broth
First, I can’t tell you how all the instagram pictures of delicious ramen noodle bowls keep me up at night. Honestly, they always look so amazing and they just scream comfort food. Not to mention, I love ramen noodles and I’ve always wanted to try …
Want to Visit Old Quebec City?
When I was a freshmen in High School I traveled to Old Quebec City for a music trip. So, ever since that trip I have talked about going back, it’s been on my list forever it seems. I couldn’t help but remember the beautiful snow …
Expired Passport Nightmare {What To Do}

My friends make fun of me because I’m so organized. I honestly have to do things just so or my anxiety is through the roof. When it comes to traveling I kick my organizational skills into high gear. I never in a million years would …
Traveling With Your Family On A Budget
I was thrilled when Stephanie Bates from Military Travel Mama reached out and asked me to contribute a tip to a post on her blog, Budgeting Tips for Families & Households on a Budget. Be sure to head over to her blog and check it out! …
Bacon Cheese Stuffed Turkey Burgers
I have been making these stuffed turkey burgers for years now. I’m not really sure why I haven’t posted them before. The recipe has evolved over time and I feel like I have it right where I want it. On Monday’s I grocery shop and …
Whiskey Peach Smoked Turkey

After years of hard work my husband finally completed phase one of our back yard project! Now that we have an amazing space for outdoor living I’ve been really into smoking meats on our charcoal grill. Sunday dinners are a huge part of our family …
Holy Hanging Lake
While planning our family vacation to Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico I was haunted by images of Hanging Lake on Pinterest. OH PINTEREST, it gets me everytime! The beauty in the images made Hanging Lake quickly crept up to the top of my must …
Are We There Yet Road Trip Binders For Kids

Jeff and I have always loved a good road trip. While we were dating we would often drive around hoping to get lost. We’ve had some of our greatest memories taking road trips. Once we had kids I was afraid our road trip days would …
Engine Room ~ Mystic, CT

My husband recently turned 35 and I was looking for just the perfect surprise. He always seems to one up me in the surprise department. Over the past few years he has become a whiskey lover and he had mentioned a few things that he …